Photos - Cyndy Kelso Artist

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Do you know, the world's first 'modern day' photograph taken in 1826 or 1827 was a landscape view out a window? It's believed pinhole cameras existed in the 4th century BCE. The first 'selfie' was taken in 1839. The first digital (actually a scanned photo) in 1957. A lot has changed since then. Today, everyone who owns even the most basic cell phone probably has a camera within. And with the click of a button you become a photographer. But, the art of photography goes much further than a digital pixel image of the world in front of you. There are approximately a dozen basic rules to learn to take a 'decent' photo: framing, cropping, equal segments, balance, symmetry, you get the idea. One of the biggest is experiment. Most people just fire off a shot, call it good, and post it. Others may take the time to use an app to 'enhance' the photo. But the real use of a camera, in the hands of a trained photographer, can capture the interest of the viewer, who sees in the photo the essence of what the photographer saw and who hopefully can see the composition for what it is; a work of art.

Sometimes, viewers ask, 'How did you come up with the idea for such a beautiful painting?
Well, to answer that question, I have this collection of just a few of the hundreds of photos I have taken. See if you can link in your mind the photos seen here with some of the paintings on my site.

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